Friday, July 27, 2012

Am I Hungry?

"Most diets are restrictive and unsustainable, leaving the dieter feeling guilty and disappointed. My goal is to help people recognize and cope with their triggers for overeating, rediscover joy in physical activity, and effectively nourish their body, mind, heart and spirit."
--Michelle May, M.D.

If you haven't already figured something out about me... I am a bit obsessed with assessment tools. I enjoy taking them, analyzing them, and trying to figure out how to use that information for my clients and myself.  I tend to over analyze my own choices, and dissect how to interpret my answers to better myself, but I can't always expect that same level of interpretation from my clients

The above quote is something I came across weeks ago as I was perusing the internet and discovering doctors who are practicing in the field of obesity and bariatrics. Dr. May gets it. The root of the problem lies in our ability to eat mindfully, or rather, acknowledge when we feel true hunger or when we don't and our ability to implement the action of not eating, rather than mindlessly grazing or snacking on things our bodies just don't need when it would be better for you to hydrate and exercise to curb head hunger, binge or emotional eating episodes. 

I recommend you take the quiz and talk about it with someone.  It doesn't have to be a counselor or psychologist, but you might share it with these professionals if you do see them, but it could just be a trusted friend who understands the struggles of overeating. I promise that you will learn something about yourself.  It will get the wheels turning about your behaviors that maybe preventing you from reaching your desired weight. 

The key to success is self awareness. With each day, we should strive to discover a new facet of ourselves in order to become our best, well self.

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